for visiting yachtsmen
Beach Yacht Club welcomes visitors from reciprocal
yacht clubs. To receive a reciprocal guest slip visitors
must fill out a Visitor
Registration Form (.pdf) and follow these requiriments.
- Advanced reservation
- Upon arrival, guests must register with SLBYC's
Port Catain,Ray Magana
- Provide proof of club affiliation (yachts must
fly their club burgee)
- Provide proof of current registration
- Provide proof of current insurance
- One night maximum, $.80 / foot per night thereafter.
list of nearby restaurants, attractions and services
can be found in our Visitors
more information regarding the availability of reciprocal
slips please contact the office, at office hours,
at (562) 594-6337 or contact Ray Magana, Port Captain
at (310) 600-3013.