1. The Port Captain has the responsibility and authority
to supervise SlBYC Slips, to assign and exchange
slips based on priority of members on the waiting
list and to conduct operations in compliance with
these Slip Rules and the regulations of the Long
Beach Marine Bureau.
2. Members desiring a SlBYC slip or a transfer to
a SlBYC Slips shall complete a slip application
at the club office. The Port Captain shall maintain
a current log, available at the clubhouse, setting
forth all slip requests in order of the date the
application card was accepted at the office.
3. When a SlBYC Slip becomes available, the Port
Captain shall assign the slip to the member with
the highest place on the waiting list who’s
slip size request matches the available slip. If
more than one slip of the same size becomes available
at the same time, the member with highest placement
on this list gets to select first from the available
slips. In the event multiple members slip request
were accepted on the same date, and thus, those
members maintain identical standing on the waiting
list, the assignee of an available slip between
those members shall be selected by a drawing.
4. There shall be a non-refundable charge of $50
to enter any name on a slip waiting list.
5. There shall be no charge for same size slip transfer
request and a member may decline as many transfer
opportunities as they may desire on the same gangway.
6. It is the responsibility of the member to keep
aware of their position on the waiting lists and
to be prepared to accept or reject a slip offered
when their turn comes. When offered a new slip and
the member accepts, the effective billing date shall
be the first of the following month, or sooner if
7. When a member is offered a slip, they shall have
up to ten (10) days from the date of the verbal
or written notice to accept or reject the slip.
Failing to respond within ten (10) days will be
considered a rejection. If a member is planning
to be gone from the area for a significant time
and does not want to risk losing an opportunity
to get a slip because of a failure to respond to
a notice of slip availability, they may provide
the Port Captain a letter stating that they will
accept any slip on the gangway or gangways where
they are listed that may be offered in their absence.
8. A new slip assignee may have up to ninety (90)
days to occupy the slip. They may have up to an
additional ninety (90) days on physical proof of
pending purchase or construction of a boat.
9. If a member declines an offered slip, their name
shall be removed from the waiting list.
The current slip assignments, the slip waiting list
and the transfer waiting list will be published
annually in the February Burgee and posted in the
Seal Beach Yacht Club.
11. No boat other than the assigned boat may be
put into any slip without permission from the Port
Captain or the club administration personnel assigned
this duty.
12. No slip assignment is effective and the assignee’s
boat may not be put into a slip until the member
has completed sign-up procedures at the Marine Bureau.
13. No member is permitted to have more than one
SlBYC Slip registered in their or their comember’s
14. A SlBYC Slip may not be sub-leased or loaned
out unless the member has been the slip permittee
for six (6) months or more. Therefore, a vacant,
newly assigned slip is suitable only as a SlBYC
guest slip.
15. Members who have occupied their slip for six
(6) or more months may (1) sublease their slip (2)
loan the slip, or (3) take a Leave of Absence in
compliance with Marine Bureau regulations. If so,
that member will notify the Port Captain of such
intentions and allow SlBYC or its members first
right of refusal for a minimum of 45 days, allowing
time to print it in the Seal Beach Yacht Club Burgee.
Members returning from a Leave of Absence may go
to the top of the waiting list keeping the slip
size from which they left.
16. On the initial acceptance of a SlBYC Slip, the
member shall provide the Port Captain with a copy
of the ownership documents showing the registered
owner(s). If anyone other than the registered owners(s)
has any ownership in the boat, a list of such co-owners
shall also be provided to the Port Captain along
with the copy of the ownership documents.
17. Sole ownership, multiple name registrations
and/or owners of any boat in SlBYC Slips are limited
to SlBYC members only. All multiple registrations
and co-owner groups must be approved in writing
by the Port Captain.
18. If a boat has more than one owner but the registered
owner/slip permittee is dropped from the group of
owners, the boat must be removed from the slip within
(30) days except:
(1) when the situation is covered in another section
of these rules
(2) the new slip permittee is the first person on
the waiting list for that slip size
(3) there is no one on the waiting list requesting
that slip size
19. The ownership of any boat in SlBYC Slips and
the right to the slip permit may be transferred between
member and spouse, either voluntarily or through inheritance,
without affecting the assignment of the slip, so long
as the new slip permittee has been a member, or spouse
of a member of Seal Beach Yacht Club for five or more
Any SlBYC member who owns a boat moored in SlBYC Slips
is required to vacate the Slip within thirty (30)
days of the termination of that person’s membership
in the SlBYC, unless that member was the permittee
of the Slip prior to December 1, 2009, in which case
the member is entitled to a right of first refusal
of that Slip. If the former member chooses not to
exercise his or her right of first refusal within
30 days of the termination of their membership as
set forth herein, that Slip will be retained as a
SlBYC Slip and the Club shall retain control over
that Slip from that time forward.
21. Any member changing a boat or the ownership of
a boat moored in SlBYC Slips is required to so notify
the Port Captain at the time of change and to provide
the Port Captain with a copy of the new ownership
documents, and a list of co-owners if appropriate.
Failure to do so may result in cancellation of the
slip assignment. In accordance with the Marine Bureau
Rules, when a member changes boats, they have thirty
(30) days to replace the boat in the slip.
However, the replacement boat may not be put in the
slip until:
1. the member provides the Port Captain with a copy
of the ownership
documents, or application for ownership documents,
and documents
showing the length and beam of the replacement boat
2. the member has registered the replacement boat
with the Marine Bureau
An extension of an additional period, but not to exceed
sixty (60) days, may be granted by the Port Captain
upon submission by the member of the proof of a contract
to purchase or construct another boat. If the member
does not acquire and accept delivery of another boat
of appropriate length for the assigned slip within
the thirty (30) day period or any extension thereof,
the slip assignment shall be canceled by the Port
22. With the consent of the slip holders, the Port
Captain has the authority to approve two boats exchanging
slips in SlBYC Slips, which changes, in the Port Captain’s
opinion, adequately meets the requirements for said
re-assigned boat. Any such reassignments by the Port
Captain shall be reported to the Marine Bureau and
a new slip permit shall be obtained by each boat owner.
23. Member’s slips in SlBYC Slips that are empty
for more than 24 hours may be used as guest slip.
Members shall report planned absences by use of a
float plan, showing their planned return date and
approximate time, which shall keep the member from
being inconvenienced on their return.
24. All members mooring their boats in SlBYC Slips
shall provide such proper and reasonable maintenance
as is necessary to keep the boat in seaworthy condition
and prevent deprecation of the area. The decision
of the Port Captain regarding these matters shall
be conclusive upon the member boat owner(s).
All listed owners of a boat in any slip in SlBYC
Slips shall be individually and collectively responsible
for adherence to the SlBYC Slips Rules.
26. Any member canceling a slip in SlBYC Slips shall
notify the Port Captain concurrent with notification
to the Marine Bureau and the Club shall retain control
of that slip, subject to the limitations herein.
27. Action by any member to circumvent the normal
transition of slip assignment or waiting list priority
by falsely claiming ownership and/or use of a boat
shall be considered conduct injurious to the club
and its members. Such conduct shall subject that
member to disciplinary action as provided in the
By-laws of the club.
28. Questions of policy on SlBYC Slips not covered
by the above Slip Rules shall follow the policies
and regulations of the Marine Bureau.
29. Any action taken by the Port Captain may be
appealed only to the Board of Directors of Seal
Beach Yacht Club.
30. An insurance policy held by and listing the
owners of a boat in any slip in SlBYC Slips must
be continuously in effect. The insurance policy,
at a minimum, must meet Marine Bureau requirements.
Failure by the owners to maintain the required insurance
shall result in the Port Captain ordering the immediate
removal of the boat from the SlBYC Slips slip area
and cancellation of the slip assignment.
31. The initial slip waiting list will be based
upon the SlBYC member’s seniority (longevity
in the club). Applications for placement on the
slip waiting list will be accepted from December
1, 2009 through January 31, 2010 (the "renewed
application period"). Applicants who sign up
during the renewed application period shall be integrated
into the initial waiting list created in 2006 so
that the initial waiting list remains in seniority
order. Thereafter, placement on the list will be
governed by SlBYC Slip Rule 2. The initial slip
transfer waiting list will follow SlBYC Slip Rule